Quality Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, & Sugarbeets
KTM Farm is a family owned and operated farm located in the Red River Valley of North Dakota. We are committed to producing quality products such as wheat, corn, soybeans and sugar beets. We strive to keep up with recent technology, equipment and use the most optimal farming practices that will enhance productivity and preservation of the land.
5th Generation Family Farm
Kelly T. Miller, a fifth generation farmer, and his family established the Kelly T. Miller Farm in 1968 while he was still on the original family farm near Tyler, ND. The farm site where KTM Farm resides today, Northwest of Wahpeton, was established in 1871 and Kelly and his family have homesteaded there since 1975.

We Want to Hear From You!
Thank you for your interest in our operation! Please get in touch with any questions.